


© 2006 BLACK-SOLACE {R.}
unless stated otherwise.
credits :

Best viewed with Mozilla Firefox your eyes.

jay-why-eye.blogspot is totally pictures-dominated, so 100% mega lag(pop-ups!) + possibility of killing your PC.
Other than that, your PC will be fine(:

Leave your BlogURL in TagB,
If you wanna share links :D

Resemblance to anyone/anything in real life on this blog, is purely coincidental.

Don't correct the way I blog(language/content wise).
You want it your way, go create your own blog then.

Tag kkkk.
Don't be stingy.

V27 :kiss away the young thrills

JiayiL :D !
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Brother's lonesome warrior.
Family, #01.
Lesbo's my solid.
TC.Buds & TH.HENGS! :D

I have to diamante everything.

30th June :D !



Tag lehhh, tsk.

Monday, May 12, 2008

MOVED. Yes, already.

Link please :D

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I'm hating stagnant tagboards and constant updating of links and same ol' boring skin. SO, I'm switching to LJ. Soon. Not now. Because I realised is taken by some kuku nehneh who doesn't update. AAAAAAAHOLE.

If I make the switch now, I'd have to take, and it's too fricking long. J-Y-I, short and best for lazy people. But then if I feel spontaneous one day, I might just settle for it.

Aww, all my hits will be gone. Everything will start over from LJ. But it's okay. I've grown past the I-want-fame phase. Blogging is just blogging. It'll get me (AND YOU) nowhere. A couple bucks from it is nothing.

Deadline for change: 30th June, 2008.


Friday, May 02, 2008

Stayed over at Mama's for 2 days & ate dinner with her at Sg Flyer(:
The place was awesome. Food, ambience, people.

Some lobster thing.

Pizzaaaaaaaaaa. Only the best(:

In class now. ITA1.

This is 1C01's fav lecturer. Hmm.
And Sophie's Ma'am. Hahahha.


The backrow shoppers. Haha.
Jolyn, JiaNing &Sophie.

Kkkkkk, pay attention in class.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Dreaming every night, but I haven't had any nice dreams lately. I think it's because my life is well and ideal. It's a dream itself. School, Lv.
Last night, I dreamt that Mama broke her leg and the ambulance took an hour to come. Woke up frightened and in a trance. Part of me thought it was real so I went out to check.

Blog-hopping and landed on ____'s blog:

I realised, everyone has the ability to feel. It seems like a common knowledge already but no, not everyone knows it. So don't read this and think like I would have yesterday.

I used to think, subconsciously, that only people who know how to express how they feel, knows how to feel. Expressing in terms of writing/blogging about it in poetry-like language or telling others. Those that summarise it in a single "I am sad" don't count. Sometimes I look at someone and conclude that he/she doesn't know how to feel just because he/she doesn't look the emotional-sort.

Very very wrong.
My views have been revamped.

Some people keep their emotions to themselves. Some, like a young child, simply don't have the grasp of the language to express themselves as freely. They just don't know how to put their experience into words. It doesn't mean they don't get affected as much as you and I.

It happens to me at times. What I am experiencing may be very strong but I just don't know how to make it sound right and so, I give up.

"I am sad" IS an expression too.

What's impressive is not using one bombastic word for every 3 words. What's impressive is to use:

"sad" instead of "heartrending",
"angry" instead of "irate",
"helpless" instead of "susceptible",
"desperate" instead of "fraught",

and still be able to evoke understanding. Not many can do it and only those who can are awe-worthy. So what if you are a walking thesaurus (the dictionary!)? It means shit when you don't bring your thoughts across.

Everyone can feel.